Archive for August, 2003



[Picture of a cookery book comic strip draft sketch by Dave devine]It’s funny to go through old rubbish that’s been cluttering up the place for years.  I found this comic strip sketch I did on how to cook pasta.  Hilarious!  But then again, I was only 17 or 18 when I did it.  Back then I did loads of comic strips and earned a wee bit of money.  As I recall it, I was trying to move into — or maybe even create — new areas for comics, this would be the long-lost comic-book cook book that never was! Oh well, I tried!  This is one of the earliest attempts I knocked up obviously as a result of my insomnia.  Hey, if comic books could get kids into cooking, then maybe someone like Jamie Oliver should get behind this idea and make something of it!  Don’t be put off by my crappy artwork
